
Building Open Communications Programs: These communications programs are open and flexible, allowing anyone from anywhere to contribute at their own pace. Unlike traditional volunteer-run projects that require predefined roles and dedicated personnel, these programs thrive on the diversity and flexibility of contributors. This approach enables more people from different parts of the world to participate at scale. (Recommended Reading: Open Communications Program Case Study)

Program Development and Community Engagement: Nick's expertise encompasses building programs, researching technology for community integration, and creating inclusive environments where participants feel welcomed, connected, and motivated to contribute to events, campaigns, and stakeholder engagement initiatives—whether online, in person, or in hybrid formats.

Thought-Leadership & Storytelling: Nick is open to sharing his experiences in the movement building space, sharing stories and contributing insights to advance community-driven projects and organizational impact.

Interested in connecting with Nick?

Let Nick know which service you're interested in and he'll respond within a day or two. If preferred, you're welcome to email him at
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